5 Reasons Why Professional Product Photography is Essential for Your Brand

For many brands that offer products to customers, quality photography is one of the most important factors that define the success of product marketing. The power of an image is undoubtedly, especially for online advertising. Showcasing high-quality product photography images on your website or social media pages increases the chance of high sales. Consumers will always be drawn to an image before they read the text on the page. This means it is important to make sure that your product images are eye-pleasing and have great quality.

Here’s why you should incorporate professional product photography into your beloved brand:

The Quality of a Product Photo Reflects Your Brand Image

Product photography can be considered a long-term investment to get your business recognized. If your product photography is developed professionally, it communicates your business to your customer as professional, valued, creative and innovative. It convinces your customer that your brand does care for their needs and wants, which will motivate them to become loyal customers who repeatedly purchase your products. Professional product photography not only testifies to the quality of your product but also reflects the credibility of your brand image.

Photos are a Key Part of Purchasing Decisions

Images have a special capability to build first impressions because we are naturally visual-oriented creatures. The image does speak louder than words, proved by the statistic that says 93% of consumers consider visual appearance to be a key deciding factor in a purchasing decision. If a picture is worth a thousand words then an exceptional product image is worth a thousand website visitors.

Professional product photography creates a moment of truth as to whether your customer will continue browsing your product and eventually make a purchase. In this digital world, we live in, people are easily distracted. When they’re scrolling through various online platforms, they have less patience to actually read the text or the descriptions of the product. This is why now more than ever, it’s essential for your brand to have impactful product photography that will instantly hook your customer's attention.

Taking Product Photography that Sells is a Skill

Product photography uses specific techniques and professional equipment to showcase your products in an attractive way. It also needs to be edited and retouched to make it stand out more. From a quality camera, backdrop to lighting, you’ll need a skilled and experienced product photographer to ensure that you create powerful images. A professional photography studio has all of this set-up gear so you can just provide your product and receive high-quality and stunning images in return.

Professional Images Escalate Maximum Engagement & Set a High Standard of Product Quality

Beautifully taken, effective, and useful product photography draws engagement in the blink of an eye. Everything in the image--quality, subject, colors, and concept should resonate with your audience. If your goal is to form a long-term relationship with your customer, professional images are one of the most important tools to achieve that. By setting a high standard of product photography, you show that your products are way more attuned to details, promote unique selling points and differentiate your brand from competitors. For offline advertising, you can use professional images for banners, flyers, or any kind of promotion needs. For offline stores, the good quality images of your product can be a window display to please the eyes of anyone who passes the store and attract them to come visit.

Quality Photos that Tell the Right Story Will Meet Customer Expectations

Did you know that 22% of products that are sold online are returned because the items look different than the photos? Taking professional product photography that tells the right story sets your customer's expectations about what they are looking at. It also removes their doubts that the product will not meet their expectations.

If you want to inspire your audience to purchase your products, leverage your product image quality to the fullest. See and savor how professional images of your products could make a big difference for your brand.

Supercool Studio

A photo and video production studio, as well as a social media agency based in Bali. Run by a tribe of misfits and creative rebels.




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